Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We believe every Christian is called to be a missionary! Charles Spurgeon said “Every Christian here is either a missionary or an impostor”. Whether it be in Jerusalem (Newcastle), Judea (Oklahoma), Samaria (North America) or the End of the Earth (Internationally), every Christian is called to be on mission. We encourage and challenge every believer to live life on mission. More than anything, we desire to be a church that is being light in a dark world. We want to reach the world with the gospel.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)
All of us were created by God to GO and impact all the nations so that God may be glorified. Going can take many shapes and forms. For some, that means praying and financially supporting those that are physically going. For others it means making short term trips to partner with established indigenous missionaries to share and minister with unbelievers in foreign lands. And finally, for many others it may mean leaving family and western comforts behind to go to the darkest places where no one has heard or will even have the opportunity to hear about the saving power of Jesus Christ.
Mission Team
The Missions Team is a group of church members that is committed to serve as a local and international mission’s resource for FBCN. It also serves as a point of contact for current and future ministries outside the church walls. We were formed to create more opportunities for FBC Newcastle members to serve the community and share Jesus with a lost world. Our purpose is to EDUCATE our body about missions, EQUIP our body for missions, ENLIST our body to missions and ENGAGE the nations by missions.